UKUG-40 was designed for commercial accounting of gas consumption in the trunk and tap lines of pipelines. In addition to the basic measurement equipmentother equipment operating in the automation systems of technological processes for pipelines can be accommodated.
UKUG-40 is made in two climatic versions:
- North execution - С (ХЛ-1) - designed for use in subareas IA, IБ, IГ,IД;
- Standard version - 01 (У-1) - for subareas IB, IIA, IIIA.
Terms of Use:
- Ambient temperature - from - 45 to + 50 °С;
- The pressure of wind - up to 50 kg / m;
- The weight of snow - up to 200 kg / m;
- Altitude - up to 2500 m;
- Seismic activity - up to 9 on the Richter scale.
Power UKUG-40 (single-phase unit with АВР): voltage - 220 ± 20%, frequency - 50 ± 1 Hz.
Stamps of wires, cables, their section and method of laying electrical isolation circuits meet the requirements of the ПУЭ. Degree of protection units "UKUG-40" from the environment in accordance with GOST 14254-96 - IP54. Dimensions and weight of a particular model "UCU-G-40" shall be as specified in the design documentation.
Node commercial account "UKUG-40" provides the precision characteristics of gas flow rate, temperature and pressure measurement in accordance with the operational documentation and certificates of conformity ultrasonic flowmeters universal multipurpose "System 1010/1020".
Specifications of the meter "system 1010/1020"
Accuracy immediately after installation | +/-(0.5-1.5)% of consumption |
Calibrated accuracy: | +/-(0,15-0,7)% of consumption |
Repeatability: | +/- 0,05% max. |
The range of flow rates: | +/- 38 m/s (in both directions) |
Sensitivity Consumption: | 0,0003-0,0006 m/s |
Determination of flow: | volumetric or massovvy |
Care zero: | zero |
Archiving: | automatic saving of consumption values, alarm events, and other parameters in the memory of the meter, or their output to the printer |
Calculator Memory: | at least 170 KB (archive configuration will be done in coordination with the customer) |
Explosion: | The sensors - iExsdllCT5, computer NEMA7 - ExiallCT6 |
1. Block-box "Technology", including:
- 1.1 meter pipeline with flow sensors «Controlotron», gas sensor, a pressure sensor and a gas valve to connect the sampler;
- 1.2 frame carrier for the pipeline and shelter;
- 1.3 carport area placing sensors on the pipeline with a degree of protection in accordance with GOST 14254-96 IP54;
- 1.4 inside the shelter:
- Osveschenie- 100W • 2 (IP65);
- Switch-IP54;
- Unauthorized opening of a door sensor-IP54;
- line connection to the connection box SWR-1I and block-box "Hardware".
2. Block-box "Hardware" includes:
- insulated block-box;
- Lighting system - 100W • 2 (IP65);
- The heating system at low ambient temperatures: 1000W • 2;
- Operating temperature in the block boxing from +5 to + 45°С;
- Ventilation - natural (forced *);
- shield electrical input distribution with circuit breakers protect circuits;
- automation unit with the calculator device «Controlotron», a signal processing unit and the sensor device data over a communication channel;
- The system of automatic gas fire;
- Optional equipment for remote control and communication equipment.