Federal magazine "Top ENERGOPROM», №17, May-June 2014.
The company "SPE Tehnoavtomat" was founded in 2005 by experts with extensive experience in the aviation, gas, chemical and power industries. High qualification and availability of own production base with modern facilities in the city of Engels, Saratov region allowed for a relatively short time to create a product with unique technical and operational characteristics.
The presence in the structure of the company Experimental Design Bureau with highly qualified development team, equipped with modern testing equipment makes it possible to develop and provide training for issue of serial products commissioned by outside organizations in the shortest sroki.Osnaschennye all necessary modern equipment manufacturing base allow the conduct of those. service in a complex and difficult terrain. Attracting their highly skilled personnel can cope with putting into operation of complex modern equipment.
Strategies to promote the benefits of the company are: - Competitiveness own products reached novelty design solutions; quality use of high-tech manufacturing. - Successful experience as a system integrator company, implemented a number of projects in the Far East. - "Dense" work together with the design and construction organizations, organizations receiving in service. - Conclusion of contracts for compulsory service network for the entire life of the product. - Carrying out all the work with the deployment, if necessary, service bases. - НAvailability of the Far Eastern branch with its own production facilities in Khabarovsk and bases of operation in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur in with. Bogorodskoe.
The entire line of products - own development company, based on its own production of components, as well as the world's leading manufacturers (Description of our products you will find in the catalog of our company):
1. APEC - a stand-alone power supply on the basis of microturbine systems. To supply gas line consumers. Alternative replacement for traditional power lines (PTL). Feature - high reliability and low cost.
2. ATM "CUPID" - automatic reducing gas supply point for the villages and small towns of the Far East. Feature - reliability and ease of use, low cost.
3. RUBIN-1M (certified) for non-invasive monitoring level in the pressure vessel. Currently available in OAO "Gazprom", OJSC "Rosneft", JSC "SG-Trans" and other large companies.
4. Node commercial gas metering UKUG-40 TU 4318-012-55391849-07 (certified and has a certificate of metrological examination). Feature - simplicity and high metrological characteristics. Can be used as a standalone unit of accounting, and as part of automated control systems for gas and oil pipelines.
In addition, the company develops and manufactures original equipment and control systems for the oil and gas otrasli.Za its inception, the company has executed a large amount of work on the development, production equipment and automation systems and their implementation at customer: JSC "Gazprom", OJSC "Rosneft" "DGC", JSC "SG-Trans" ACT "Arctic" and other large enterprises of the country.
The company has a number of unique developments, including non-invasive ultrasonic level recorder "RUBIN-1M" for use in high-pressure tanks. These devices are widely used at JSC "Gazprom". Due to the uniqueness of the method of measurement (no contact with the medium and the measurement of the presence of internal structures and "Fat"), being tested its applicability in the chemical industry. It should be noted that it is only in Russian device of the kind commercially available.
The organization has gained considerable experience in the development, implementation and maintenance of complex high-tech automated equipment, solving the problem of reliable, continuous and autonomous (without the direct involvement of operating personnel) supply crane sites of trunk pipelines based on autonomous energy supply and control points.
A separate issue for our company - maintenance of independent power supply and equipment crane sites of trunk pipelines.
The priorities of our company are: - Monitoring and accounting of oil and gas on the basis of modern ultrasound technology. - The creation of sources of independent power supply line consumers oil and gas. - Maintenance of equipment pipelines.
At present, the construction of new gas mains and expansion of the existing network for the development of new gas fields in remote areas of Siberia and the Far East and the Far North is associated with the task of reliable power supply equipment crane pads these pipelines. The lack of infrastructure in these remote areas (especially the lack of roads and electricity networks) makes inappropriate use of the traditional approach of power supply by connecting to the existing network of transmission lines and laying parallel power lines along the pipeline. This additional construction often becomes economically unfeasible.
An alternative solution to this problem is the autonomous power supply providing power generation for each crane platform independent generator with reliable transportation fuel for it, which stands alone from the gas. Based on the experience of operating equipment crane pads main gas pipelines under the conditions specified above areas, we can determine that the main and vital requirement for the technical basis on which to solve this problem is the high reliability of the equipment, autonomy, without the immediate presence of operating personnel, with full automation of all subsystems, providing a remote monitoring and control station with a long interval for routine maintenance (not less than one month).
Analysis of the development and the realized projects of independent power supply valve stations of main gas pipelines, made a number of domestic companies shows that they most often used are linking block approach for constructing autonomous power, whose main elements are different types of generating sets (especially with gas, gas turbine or diesel motors). These developments are in various stages of readiness and industrial development and, in our opinion, does not fully satisfy the requirements for independent power supply set out above. In particular, the level of automation block-composable power BKES these companies and the degree of integration of all subsystems can not fully assume their autonomy, as evidenced by the experience of their operation.
Company "SPE-Technoautomat" managed to achieve the most complete implementation of high-quality, autonomy and reliability of complex equipment crane sites of trunk pipelines in a number of successful projects, use of either an integrated approach to solving this problem.
A distinctive feature of the product layout decision APEC is close-coupled design, a flexible multi-level allowance, including powertrain, which is used as a highly reliable MTU «Capstone- C30." These installations have proven to be highly reliable machines running on different types of gaseous fuels (natural by GOST 5542-87, APG to biogas, as well as low-calorie, with unstable composition comprising hydrogen sulfide to 7%) and superior in a number of other existing indicators types of installations. First of all, in terms of reliability, resource, service intervals, as well as the efficiency of the gas turbine and the weight and size parameters. These figures are confirmed as world experience and experience in operating in the Russian Federation, on the above sites.
An important element of the provision is the presence in the circuit of two p-APEC-parallel reducing gas lines that are connected to two adjacent sections of pipelines associated with crane assembly site MAGIS-sweeping pipeline. This technical solution, the priority of which is confirmed by the patent for utility model (reg. № 139787), allows to provide uninterrupted power supply to the crane area of gas pipeline even in the case of blocking gas pipelines in case of accidents or maintenance.
Company "SPE-Technoautomat" when creating APEC accounted for many years experience in the implementation, operation and maintenance of systems vysokotehnolo-cal automated equipment, solving the problem of reliable, continuous and independent power supply crane sites of trunk pipelines. This made it possible to combine monoblock APEC all the necessary equipment, the most crucial task of providing all the technical work Valve Platform gas pipeline from the control and management of the crane unit to ECP pipeline, burglar alarms, CCTV and remote control of the site area. At the same time, monitoring and control of equipment, providing the work of both the crane platform, so its systems zhizneobespeche-of, carried out in automatic mode, a single ACS APEC-related channel remotely controlled from a central control station of gas pipeline. Among the functions of automatic control that performs ACS applies perio-test-period reserve units and devices that allows you to keep them in constant readiness to advance and determine the need for arrival at the facility staff.
APEC was included JSC "Vankorneft" in the pipeline project "Vankor-Khalmerpayutinskoye." Our company has manufactured, has supplied five products APEC, and then spent commissioning and commissioning. Currently, our experts maintenance products in accordance with a long-term contract with JSC "Vankorneft".
At present, our company has a leading position in the development and creation of specialized instruments for monitoring and accounting for oil and gas, as well as self-contained power supply. All our products have passed the real operation in the harsh conditions of the Far East and the Far North and proved to be reliable and easy to use. The company operates a program of complete modernization of fixed assets. EDO enterprise is vysokokvalifitsi-ment team of professionals and continues to work on the creation of new models of devices and energy centers which take into account the increased requirements of the oil and gas industry.